Wednesday, September 25, 2013

New Feature: Rare Blends: Anaar!

In the last few months, I've noticed more folks working to shift focus to positive things - whether a daily, weekly, or monthly opportunity to think about what IS working in our lives.  I think that is a very important thing for all folks to do and to switch to think about what is working versus what is not. In that vein, I would like to do a monthly feature on somebody I think is awesome and that y'all should know more about.  They are truly offering something beautiful and unique to the community, but may not be on the radar of most because they're not part of some popularity/personality machine - they don't fix in neat boxes or trends.  So here starts "Rare Blends" and the first featured awesome person is Anaar!

Anaar is an artist, designer, dancer, priestess (and all equally powerful and amazing). Her artwork, costuming, and jewelry exemplify fine craftsmanship, creativity, and the heart of beauty. To own a piece of her work is to know that you have a beautiful garment or object of adornment that will last you indefinitely. (Shop here!) Her dance is truly sacred, ritual dance - suspending time, transcending the mundane, and of the divine.  She has the incredible power to hold your attention completely with just the simplest moves and gestures - exemplifying innate grace, profound musicality, and delicate theatricality. She has an instructional DVD on sacred/ritual dance called Dark Imaginations. Her talents don't end there - she also co-produces an event called Hexenfest, that takes place yearly in the Bay Area - and next year will feature Ego Likeness!

I first met Anaar back in 2002 at PantheaCon in San Jose, CA. I remember being struck by her beautiful work as well as her no-nonsense, direct approach.  I'm unsure about how exactly we started working together, but it had something to do with sharing a space at the San Francisco Pagan Pride Event later that year, and in the years to come, we would collaborate together (and still do!) on many dance and design projects...our next collaboration will be at the Witches' Ball in New Orleans on October 26th!

One of Anaar's performances:

One of our infamous Tribal Fest "opening ritual" dances:

An interview with Anaar:

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